Many thanks to the participation and dedication of our members and volunteers, we have been recognized by the Texas PTA and PISD Council of PTA in various categories. Listed below are awards we have received. We are proud to serve our community and happy to be recognized! Keep up the good work!
Year 2022-2023
Texas PTA - Head Start Award
This award is presented to PTAs with 75% or more of the previous year's total membership by the end of August.
Texas PTA - Good Standing Status
Wyatt PTA has earned Good Standing status by meeting all of the requirements from the Local PTA Standards of Continuing Affiliation.
Texas PTA - Voice for Every Child
Wyatt PTA has earned the Voice for Every Child Gold Membership Award! This means we have PTA members equal to at least 75% of campus student enrollment.
Year 2021-2022
Texas PTA - Head Start Award
This award is presented to PTAs with 75% or more of the previous year's total membership by the end of August.
National PTA - School of Excellence
This award is presented to a small number of PTA's across the Country and designated in recognition of their commitment to building an inclusive and welcoming school-community where all families contribute to enriching the educational experience and overall well-being for all students.
Texas PTA - Membership - Welcome Back
This award is presented to each Local PTA that recruits at least 10 new members in January.
Year 2020-2021
Texas PTA - Membership - Welcome Back
This award is presented to each Local PTA that recruits at least 10 new members in January.
Texas PTA - Student, Preschool, MARS, Community, Generations Involvement
This award is presented to each Local PTA that appoints or elects one student, preschool family member, man, community member, or grandparent to serve in eligible position(s) on the Local PTA Executive Board.
Texas PTA - Membership - Golden Apple
This award is presented to each Local PTA that recruit 100% of school faculty as members.
Texas PTA - Membership - MARS (Men Are Really Special) Award
This awards is presented to each Local PTA that diversifies their membership base by successfully recruiting 50 or more men as members.
National PTA - School of Excellence
This award is presented to a small number of PTA's across the Country and designated in recognition of their commitment to building an inclusive and welcoming school-community where all families contribute to enriching the educational experience and overall well-being for all students.
Year 2019-2020
National PTA - School of Excellence
This award is presented to a small number of PTA's across the Country and designated in recognition of their commitment to building an inclusive and welcoming school-community where all families contribute to enriching the educational experience and overall well-being for all students.
Texas PTA - Membership - Golden Apple
This award is presented to each Local PTA that recruit 100% of school faculty as members.
Texas PTA - Membership - MARS (Men Are Really Special) Award
This awards is presented to each Local PTA that diversifies their membership base by successfully recruiting 50 or more men as members.
Texas PTA - Membership - XOXO Award
This award is presented to each Local PTA that recruits 14 new members between February 1st and February 29th.
Texas PTA - Membership - HONOR ROLL 250+ Award
This award is presented to each Local PTA that have recruited more than 100% of the previous year’s total membership, and has reached the club level threshold (250) by April 2019.
Texas PTA - Membership - Voice for Every Child Gold Award
This award is presented to each Local PTA that have recruited at least 75% of the school's student enrollment by June 30th, 2020.
City of Plano - Green School 2-Star Certification
The Green School Certification program will honor and reward both Plano private and PISD K12 schools for efforts towards environmental stewardship. The program will help empower school communities and foster pride while teaching and modelling respect for our environment and natural resources.
Year 2018-2019
Texas PTA - Membership - President's Challenge
This award is presented to each Local PTA with a total membership equal to 50% of their campus’ student enrollment and an increase over last year‘s total membership.
Texas PTA - Membership - MARS (Men Are Really Special) Award
This awards is presented to each Local PTA that diversifies their membership base by successfully recruiting 50 or more men as members.
Texas PTA - Membership - Golden Apple
This award is presented to each Local PTA that recruit 100% of school faculty as members.
Texas PTA - Membership - Voice for Every Child Gold Award
This award is presented to each Local PTA that have recruited at least 75% of the school's student enrollment by June 30th, 2019.
Texas PTA - Membership - Spring Increase Award
This award is presented to each Local PTA that have recruited more than 100% of the previous year’s total membership by March 31st, 2019.
Texas PTA - Membership - Reaching High Award
This award is presented to each Local PTA that have recruited more than 100% of previous year’s total membership and have at least two years of consecutive growth by April 30, 2019.
Texas PTA - Membership - Three Year High Award
This award is presented to each Local PTA that have recruited more than 100% of previous year’s total membership and have at least three years of consecutive growth by March 31, 2019.
Texas PTA - Membership - President's List Award
This significant award represents that by December 21, 2018, McCall PTA had achieved Good Standing with Texas PTA and recruited more members than we had all of last year!
Texas PTA - Membership - 250+ CLUB
This award is presented to each Local PTA that have recruited more than 100% of the previous year’s total membership, and has reached the club level threshold (250) by November 30th, 2018.
Texas PTA - Membership - Fall Increase Award
This award is presented to each Local PTA that have recruited more than 100% of the previous year’s total membership by October 31st, 2018.
Texas PTA - Membership - Early Bird Award
This award is presented to each local PTA that have recruited 100 percent of last year’s total membership by September 30th, 2018.
Texas PTA - Membership - Head Start Award
This award is presented to each local PTA that gets a jump start on the new school year by recruited 75 percent of last year’s total membership by August 31st, 2018.
Year 2017-2018
Texas PTA - Membership - Voice for Every Child Gold Award
This award is presented to each Local PTA that have recruited at least 75% of the school's student enrollment by June 30th, 2018.
Texas PTA - Membership - Head Start Award
This award is presented to each local PTA that gets a jump start on the new school year by recruited 75 percent of last year’s total membership by August 31st, 2017.
Year 2016-2017
Texas PTA - Membership - MARS (Men Are Really Special) Award
This awards is presented to each Local PTA that diversifies their membership base by successfully recruiting 50 or more men as members.
Texas PTA - Membership - Golden Apple
This award is presented to each Local PTA that recruit 100% of school faculty as members.
Texas PTA - Membership - Voice for Every Child Gold Award
This award is presented to each Local PTA that have recruited at least 75% of the school's student enrollment by June 30th, 2017.
Texas PTA - Membership - Superhero Award
Texas PTA - Membership - Spring Increase Award
This award is presented to each Local PTA that have recruited more than 100% of the previous year’s total membership by March 31st, 2017.
Texas PTA - Membership - President's List Award
This significant award represents that by December 21, 2016, McCall PTA had achieved Good Standing with Texas PTA and recruited more members than we had all of last year!
Texas PTA - Membership - 250+ CLUB
This award is presented to each Local PTA that have recruited more than 100% of the previous year’s total membership, and has reached the club level threshold (250) by November 30th, 2016.

Year 2015-2016
Texas PTA - Membership - MARS (Men Are Really Special) Award
This awards is presented to each Local PTA that diversifies their membership base by successfully recruiting 50 or more men as members.
Texas PTA - Membership - Golden Apple
Texas PTA - Membership - Fall Honor Roll Award
Texas PTA - Membership - President's List Award